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Name: Dorene Vryhof

Phone: (559) 457-3430​


​​​Health Services:​ (559) 457-3294​​​​



If your child complains of stomachache, earache, sore throat, cold symptoms or has not been free of fever for at least 24 hours, he/she should be kept home for observation.

To ensure that all children remain safe and healthy, the following guidelines should be used in determining when a child should return to school. It is important that parents inform the nurse should their child develop any of the following communicable diseases.

Disease Incubation Period May Return to School
Chicken Pox 12 to 14 days Minimum of 7 days after appearance of pox and all pox are dry.
German Measles 14 to 21 days When rash is completely gone. Avoid contact with non-immune pregnant women.
Measles 10 days Minimum of 7 days after appearance of rash. Recommended isolation from children under 3 years of age.
Mumps 12 to 26 days When swelling of the salivary glands has subsided, usually in about 10 days.
Ringworm No way to determine Must be under treatment and visible lesions covered.
Scabies 24 to 48 hours Must remain at home until completely cleared.
Scarlet Fever 2 to 5 days May return when fever, sore throat and rash are gone.
Whooping Cough 7 to 10 days At least 21 days after appearance of typical cough and upon recovery.

Any child with a temperature of 99.4 or above will have their parents contacted and be sent home to recover.


First aid is administered in case of minor injuries.  If illness or a serious accident occurs during the school day, an attempt is made to notify the parent at once.  For this reason, the school requires an emergency number to call when parents are not at home.  If the parent cannot be reached, the school will arrange to have the child taken to the hospital when necessary (the parent is responsible for the cost of transporting the child).  It is important that the school be notified immediately of any changes in phone numbers for the benefit and welfare of the child.


Under Fresno Unified School District policy, students will be sent home if evidence of active/live head lice is found.  A student may not return to school until he/she has been treated and his/her hair and scalp are free of active lice.  The student is to check in with the school nurse or office before he/she returns to the classroom.  Students will not be sent home with the presence of nits only.


California law requires the following immunizations to enter or transfer into public and private elementary and secondary schools (grades kindergarten through 12).  Pupils under age 18 years must have:

Vaccine Requirements Minimum Dose Requirements
Polio 4 doses at any age, but 3 doses meet the requirement for ages 4-6 if at least one dose was given on or after the 4th birthday. 
Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis Age 6 yrs. And under(Pertussis is required) Age 7 yrs. And older(Pertussis is not required)   5 doses at any age, but 4 doses meet the requirement for ages 4-6 years if at least one dose was on or after the 4th birthday. 4 doses at any age, but 3 doses meets the requirement for ages 7-17 years if at least one was given on or after 2nd birthday.  If last dose was given before 2nd birthday, one additional dose is required. 


California State law states that medications may not be dispensed by school personnel without a physician’s order.  A student is not allowed to carry medication with him/her on school grounds.  In these special cases, school personnel may administer medication through the nurse’s office when parents provide a physician’s order which includes name(s) of the medication, dosage, time(s) and duration that the medicine is to be given to the child.  This physician’s order can be obtained at the time of the visit if the student will be returning to school while on medication.  A parent permission slip is also required.  The mediation must be in the original container and correctly labeled.  This includes over the counter medications.  Any changes in medication, amount or means of administering require new physician’s instructions.  Physician’s instructions must be reviewed and renewed each year.